Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 12

Stand in big circle. March in place while singing. When you get to "Marco Polo" say with hands cupped around mouth like a megaphone. March through "the hundred years war" grab neck at "Black Death" then end on China's Ming Dynasty with hands locked in front of you singing high
.Image result for adelvice sound of music

Image result for spray water bottleFirst find out if there are any students that are opposed to being sprayed with a water bottle mist. You don't want to end up with any tears! Put any kids that don't want to be sprayed together at one end where you won't spray. 
Sing through the song spray a misting on the kids when you say "Waterloo". Kids drop at the end of song "defeated".

Say Latin in funny voices that the kids choose.

Use Action Sticks or Action Dice.

I happen to have small blow-up globes in my room. I am going to print out these spaceships. Each kid gets one spaceship and a globe. Do actions of each mission using spaceship and globe. You demonstrate first before passing them out. If you don't have enough globes for everyone you could use one and take turns or just have the kids use their fist to represent the earth.

M- Spaceship leaves earth then comes back (short)
G- Spaceship leaves earth for extended time then comes back (longer)
A- Spaceship leaves globe, pretend to land it on the moon, then bring it back to globe.
Sh- Made multiple flights into orbit...move your rocket back and forth from globe to space.

Sing and hold up correct number of fingers.
Sing in a whisper while squatting. Pop up and sing LOUD!!! 

Locate and trace each sea with dry erase maker. Go over them a few times saying each one as you point to them. Then have kids point to the sea that you say.

1 comment:

  1. I love your lesson plans!!! Will you be posting week 13 and on?
    Thank you so much!
