Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 3


I'll show the kids each timeline card as we sing this week's portion of the Timeline song. Then I'll mix up the cards on the floor and have the students put them back in the correct order. We'll sing through the song, pointing to each card, to see if it's right. We might do this a few times and then I may remove a card or two and see if they can figure out which card or cards are missing.


Illustrate the History sentence on the white board or chalk board while singing. I got this idea from Ari at Everyday Memories 

For older kids you might want to have them Illustrate along with you on their own papers. I'll have my own kids illustrate this at home. But, for my younger classroom, I'll just illustrate on the board. You can then either give turns having the kids come up to the board and use a pointer to point to the pictures as the class sings or play "Take Away" and allow the students to erase one picture each time you sing through the song.

Here are some examples of how you might want to illustrate the sentence.

Here is a key with some ideas:


Introduce with our Latin Helpers from week 1.


I am going to print off pictures of enough "P"s (grass) and "C"s (cows) for each student to have one of each. I am going to print them on quick dissolving paper called Paper Solvy.

I'll have a clear container of water on the table. I drew on it with wet erase markers.
 I'll have one student come up at a time. We'll sing through the song and when we get to "D" they can place their grass and cow in the water and gently stir with their finger.
Here's a video that shows how fast the paper dissolves in water. Pretty cool!

I realize not everyone has access to dissolvable paper. In this case you could just put them in an empty container like they are decomposing into the ground. Or simply make up fun hand motions to do instead.


I have Crayola Stamp Markers with smiley faces but you could also use a pen or nothing at all, just your fingers.

1st p.s. -hold up 1 smiley face finger on 1 hand
2nd p.s. - hold up 2 fingers on 1 hand
3rd p.s - hold up 3 fingers on 1 hand

1st p.p. - hold up 1 finger on 2 hands
2nd p.p. - hold up 2 fingers on 2 hands
3rd p.p. - hold up 3 fingers on 2 hands


5's - High five a partner while skip counting or for older kids you could have them do a simple hand jive with a partner. (Example: clap, high five with right hands, clap, high five with left hands, clap, etc...say number each time you high-five partner)

I also saw one of you post a fun idea on facebook. I tried to find it again so I could give credit but was unable. Sorry! It was using the clock to count the minutes by fives. Here's a print out clock with the minutes on it.

6's - Dot-to-Dot

You can get the Dot-to-Dot 6's here.


Tell the kids the Geography story while pointing to the locations. Help them find locations. Say story a couple more times while they point. Then, pause during story, letting them say the locations as they point. Ask them, "What is this?" as you point to location. Ask them to point to a specific location. If  they get it wrong reinforce with story. 

Fine Arts

For the younger crowd, I decided to make my own simple drawings for them to attempt the upside-down drawing project. I went along with our Science Memory Work and drew a producer (tree), a consumer (cat) and a decomposer (mushroom). 

I will place each drawing one at a time in a large envelope upside-down. the students will slowly pull the paper out a little at a time drawing what they see.


  1. Hi! We are going into week 3 this next week. I can't access the latin helpers...suggestions? It says no access...Thanks! BTW, love your lesson plans. Clear, concise and easy to follow.

    1. I'm having the same problem accessing Latin Helpers...any pointers??

    2. Thanks! Glad you are finding the plans useful. So sorry I didn't respond sooner. I wasn't able to get on over the weekend. You can just look at my cycle 2 week 1 post to see what I'm doing for Latin Helpers. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for letting me know. I will try to fix the link.
