Thursday, September 29, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 6

Pool Noodle Limbo while singing the Timeline song.

Popsicle Stick Puppets. I've attached my document of pictures of each Renaissance person that I found on Google Images. I cut them out and glued them to Popsicle sticks. You could print out one set for you to use or if you're feeling generous, print out enough for your whole class to use and then let them take them home.

Latin: We are going to try our Latin this week with a fun game of Duck Duck Goose. They run on "bunt".

We'll use the Action Cube. Each kid will get a turn rolling the dice. We will then do the action it lands on while chanting our English.

Motions with song
N- say loud with hands cupped around mouth
A- say it while pushing air out of your mouth
W- make waves
L- drop down and hit the floor with both hands
Th- (stay low) hug self and shiver
R- Jump up from floor like you're exploding

11's - Play "Paint Away" while singing through the 11's. 

12 - Sing through a couple of times them do the Dot to Dot while singing them and then sing a few more times while pointing to numbers on Dot to Dot. 


Click here for the story and map.

Remember the poor girl from Spain with the pair of knees (Pyrenees)? She really needed help (Alps)! She got hurt roaming (Romania) around on a car path (Carpathians) leading up the mountains. She called her sis (Caucasus), but it was Earl (Ural) who rushed (Russia) up and down looking for her!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 5

 Image result for cardboard blocks


I have some cardboard blocks that are already in the church classroom that I use for CC. This would be a good week to build a tower while we sing through the timeline song like the "Jews rebuilding the temple". Once we sing through it enough and we have a nice big tower, we can "destroy the temple". So if you happen to have access to any type of blocks, even small ones, it might be a fun chance to use them! 


My mom happens to have a stuffed rat! So, we will send one of our room moms out in the hallway and hide the rat. We'll have her come in and look for the rat while we sing our history song. As she gets closer we'll sing louder and as she gets further away from the rat we'll sing quieter. Kind of like playing hot or cold. We'll continue to sing until our mom finds the rat. Once the rat is found we'll send another mom out and do it again until we get through the song at least 7 times.

If you don't have a stuffed rat you could use a toy or print off a picture of a rat or even draw a simple rat face to use.


We will be learning new Latin endings this week so we will be getting help from our Hedgehog friend, Erin.


We will sing and do motions:

(I'm  abbreviating to make sure I don't copyright.)

Adpt- turn around, like changing
Mgt- pretend to fly
Hbnt- go under desks, like going into a cave. If you can't go under the desks then you could just lay down on the floor and pretend to sleep.


We will pair up with a partner and sing our English while tossing a ball back and forth. There are already small blow-up beach balls in my room. But you could bring in any type of small soft object for the kids to safely toss back and forth.  


9's:  We will either play erase away with the chalk board, water, and a paintbrush. 

Or, we'll use the activity sticks or cube depending on how much energy the kids have!!


10's:  We will partner up and give high tens as we skip count the 10's.


Here's my Geography story for the week:
When the Queen of England lended (London - 1) me her iron, I told her about the poor girl from Spain who sold candy-bars alone (Barcelona - 2). She would often stand or lean (Orleans - 3) against the case with the pair (Paris - 4) of fancy Italian boots in it, dreaming of the day she would roam (Rome - 5) around in them!

I'll tell then the story while pointing to the locations on the map. Then, we'll find the locations together and go through the story again a couple of times. We'll do a quick "Show me Tell me what this is".

Fine Arts:

I found this coloring page a couple years back and love the way it shows perspective. I cut out all the main objects in the picture so that the kids can see the different sizes and how ridiculous they look when you take away the perspective of the overall picture. This would work with any picture that has perspective in it. just print off two pictures and cut the main pictures out of one of them.

This is the picture we picked to do and a link to the site describing the project.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 4


Bring in fake, homemade campfire. Since it starts with Early Native Americans this week, it would be fun to sing the timeline sitting around the fire. I got this idea from Everyday Memories That cord is to some Christmas lights hidden in the fire. You could plug in your fire and turn the lights off.

I realize this is not stick in the sand and not very doable for a classroom setting. For the classroom you could simply bring in a few sticks and if you wanted add a crumpled up piece of orange or red construction paper on top of it. If this is too much for you just simply use your imagination and pretend there is a fire. You might even want to do a "Indian" walk around the fire while singing.


Tape a large feather to a dry erase marker and have each student come up to the board and "sign" the Magna Carta while singing the History song. 

If you don't have a feather, and don't want to purchase one, here is a simple way to make a quill out of paper.
Image result for make a craft quill

I'll split the class in half. One half will stand up and yell the singular endings then sit down while the other half of the class stands up and yells the plural endings. We'll do this a few times then switch sides.


I think I'll be using the Activity Cube for this one. My students have been asking for me to bring it back in! 


Sing and do motions.
(I'm trying really hard not to post any of the memory work do to I'm just going to list the motions. I think you'll be able to figure out which cycle each goes with. Thanks for understanding.)

-Wiggle fingers in a downward, rain motion.
-Move hands away from then towards chest to show lungs filling up with air.
-Pretend to dig in the dirt with your hands on the floor.


7's:  I'll write the 7's on the chalkboard and we'll erase one off (with a paintbrush and water) each time we sing through them. We'll continue until each kids has had a turn with the paintbrush. We did this for the 3's and the kids loved it!

8's:  Dot-to-Dot 
We'll sing through the 8's a few times them I'll pass out the Dot-to-Dot quill and have the kids complete it as we sing through the song. Once it's complete we'll point to the numbers on our Dot-to-Dots and sing through a couple more times.  


I'll tell them the geography story I made up while pointing to the locations on the map. We'll locate the rivers together and I'll say the story a few times while they point to the rivers. Then I'll ask them, "What river is this?" and "Can you point to the ______ river?"

(I had to remove the map since I had it on a CC map. I am doing my best to make adjustments.)

Fine Arts: 

I will read the book "The Noisy Paint Box" by Barb Rosenstock. It is about Vasily Kandinsky, one of the first abstract painters.

For our project we will be making 3D hands. Here is a link showing you examples of 3D hands along with a video showing how to draw one yourself.
Image result for 3d hand art drawing abstract

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 3


I'll show the kids each timeline card as we sing this week's portion of the Timeline song. Then I'll mix up the cards on the floor and have the students put them back in the correct order. We'll sing through the song, pointing to each card, to see if it's right. We might do this a few times and then I may remove a card or two and see if they can figure out which card or cards are missing.


Illustrate the History sentence on the white board or chalk board while singing. I got this idea from Ari at Everyday Memories 

For older kids you might want to have them Illustrate along with you on their own papers. I'll have my own kids illustrate this at home. But, for my younger classroom, I'll just illustrate on the board. You can then either give turns having the kids come up to the board and use a pointer to point to the pictures as the class sings or play "Take Away" and allow the students to erase one picture each time you sing through the song.

Here are some examples of how you might want to illustrate the sentence.

Here is a key with some ideas:


Introduce with our Latin Helpers from week 1.


I am going to print off pictures of enough "P"s (grass) and "C"s (cows) for each student to have one of each. I am going to print them on quick dissolving paper called Paper Solvy.

I'll have a clear container of water on the table. I drew on it with wet erase markers.
 I'll have one student come up at a time. We'll sing through the song and when we get to "D" they can place their grass and cow in the water and gently stir with their finger.
Here's a video that shows how fast the paper dissolves in water. Pretty cool!

I realize not everyone has access to dissolvable paper. In this case you could just put them in an empty container like they are decomposing into the ground. Or simply make up fun hand motions to do instead.


I have Crayola Stamp Markers with smiley faces but you could also use a pen or nothing at all, just your fingers.

1st p.s. -hold up 1 smiley face finger on 1 hand
2nd p.s. - hold up 2 fingers on 1 hand
3rd p.s - hold up 3 fingers on 1 hand

1st p.p. - hold up 1 finger on 2 hands
2nd p.p. - hold up 2 fingers on 2 hands
3rd p.p. - hold up 3 fingers on 2 hands


5's - High five a partner while skip counting or for older kids you could have them do a simple hand jive with a partner. (Example: clap, high five with right hands, clap, high five with left hands, clap, etc...say number each time you high-five partner)

I also saw one of you post a fun idea on facebook. I tried to find it again so I could give credit but was unable. Sorry! It was using the clock to count the minutes by fives. Here's a print out clock with the minutes on it.

6's - Dot-to-Dot

You can get the Dot-to-Dot 6's here.


Tell the kids the Geography story while pointing to the locations. Help them find locations. Say story a couple more times while they point. Then, pause during story, letting them say the locations as they point. Ask them, "What is this?" as you point to location. Ask them to point to a specific location. If  they get it wrong reinforce with story. 

Fine Arts

For the younger crowd, I decided to make my own simple drawings for them to attempt the upside-down drawing project. I went along with our Science Memory Work and drew a producer (tree), a consumer (cat) and a decomposer (mushroom). 

I will place each drawing one at a time in a large envelope upside-down. the students will slowly pull the paper out a little at a time drawing what they see.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 2

Here is the plan for class next Monday. If anything changes it will be updated after class.


We'll sing through the timeline cards then I'll have one child remove a card and give it to me while the other kids close their eyes. Then we'll see if they can guess which card is missing. We'll sing through it again and another kid will get a turn to remove a card. We'll do this until every kids has had a chance to remove a card.


Each Student will have a turn to "split" the church. I printed out an outline of a church, folded it in half and creased it really well down the middle. I then started a small tear in the top.

Here is a picture of my 5 year old "splitting" the church. 
Just have them pull from the top corners. 

Now it is ready to use for Fine Arts Mirror Image.

"Can I do that again, Mom?"

During the song, one child will split their church; one child will be William the Conqueror and "defeat"(with a fake sword) King Harold, which will be represented by another child falling on the floor. Then, we will rotate. 

Here's the document of the church outline:


We will review our Latin from last week by starting low on the floor and whispering the singular then jumping up and shouting the plural. 


H- pretend to eat spread out fingers like leaves.
C- pretend to eat opposite arm like meat.
O- pretend to eat finger leaves then arm meat.


Kids take turns drawing an "Action Stick" (Popsicle sticks with actions written on one end) from a cup. We do that action while chanting the definition of a pronoun.


3's- I have a chalk board in my CC room so I will be writing the 3's in chalk. We'll sing through the 3's then I'll have one of the kids come up and erase one of the numbers using a wet paintbrush. We'll sing them again then another kid will erase a number and we'll sing again, and so on, until every kid has had a turn.

4's- We'll sing through the fours and do the Dot - to - Dot I made.



We will find our European Waters and mark them with Map Friends.

Here are some ideas you can use for Map Friends:

Small plastic toys your kids have laying around:

Images printed off and "laminated" with tape:
Here is the document of the "Map Friends" we printed off. You can pick anything your child or class is interested in though.

Fine Arts:

Book: Mirror Mirror by Marilyn Singer

We will mostly just look at some of the pictures and talk about mirror image. 
This is my favorite picture from the book: 

I will have the kids glue half of their spit church from History onto a piece of paper and draw the mirror image.

Then, as time allows, we will color and decorate our churches with mirror images as well.

Timeline Clip Art for Thumbnails

     My friend, Eva, had posted the idea of printing out clip art to use along with the Timeline Thumbnails from Half a Hundred Acre Wood.

Here's the link for the Thumbnails:

 I loved the idea! So, I started compiling clip art. Here is what I have so far. As I add to it it will be updated here. Enjoy! :)

Here is what the clip art looks like on the 12 weeks per page chart:

Here is what the clip art looks like on the 6 weeks per page chart: