Thursday, January 12, 2017

Cycle 2 Week 15

I'll show the kids each timeline card as we sing this week's portion of the Timeline song. Then I'll mix up the cards on the floor and have the students put them back in the correct order. We'll sing through the song, pointing to each card, to see if it's right. We might do this a few times and then I may remove a card or two and see if they can figure out which card or cards are missing.

Print out flag or color a simple representation of each flag on a piece of paper. (Or, simply write the name of each country.) Tape one flag to each child to represent that country. Have all the remaining kids be the US. 
Great Britain, France and Russia stand together. (Allies)
Austria-Hungary, and Germany stand together and flex muscles (Central Powers).
US enter and stands with the Allies.

Roll Action Cube.
Do what it says while reciting Latin.

Declarative -Hands on hips-making a statement
Exclamatory - Hands up-excited voice
Interrogative - Scratch head- say in question form
Imperative - Shake finger-say like giving a command

My boys have a toy bow and arrow. Each kid will get a turn showing potential energy by loading the arrow and pulling it back. The class will yell "Potential". Then the student will shoot the arrow and the class will yell "Kinetic" I'll then ask the science question again before the next student loads the arrow.

I have small 10 cm rulers with Super Mario on them. (You could probably find similar ones in a package at the dollar store.) We are going to count the lines to see that 10 mm = 1 cm then line up 10 of the rulers showing that 100 cm = 1 meter. And then imagine 1,000 meters which equals 1 km. Then we'll sing through it and each kid will get to take one of the 10 cm rulers home.   


Trace locations ahead of time. Tell silly little story and point to locations. Have students mark each location with item of your choice. You point, they say. You say, they point.

I saw her stick a turkey(Turkey) in her side purse(Cyprus)! “This girl needs serious help”(syria), I cried!  After I racked(Iraq) my brain on what to do, I ran (Iran/Persia) to her and yelled “kuWAIT!”(Kuwait)!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cycle 2 Week 14

We'll sing through the timeline cards then I'll have one child remove a card and give it to me while the other kids close their eyes. Then we'll see if they can guess which card is missing. We'll sing through it again and another kid will get a turn to remove a card. We'll do this until every kids has had a chance to remove a card.

C3 has a great printout of the countries' flags and leaders. I will have theses printed off and we will point to the flag of the country we are singing and the picture of each leader we sing.

We will squat down and whisper the singular endings then jump up and shout the plural endings.


Parachute. Sing while holding ends of parachute and waving in up and down. When we get to the end of the song "under what condition" we will all go under the parachute. If you don't have a parachute you could use a sheet.

Pair up students. One student is an Acid and one students is a Base. Acid donates a Hydrogen Atom (object of your choice - like a ball or unifix cube or other math counter) to Base while singing song. 

I have cards with each Linear Equivalent on them. We will match them up and sing them.

Use chocolate chips as location markers. Locate, Mark with chip, Say out loud, Answer "Where is...?" by pointing, Answer "What is this?" by saying out loud.

Cycle 2 Week 13

I hide the Timeline cards around the room before the kids arrive. We sing the Timeline song for week 13 as they look for the cards. Once they locate a card they sit in the middle of the room and wait for their friends. When all the cards have been found we will put them in order and sing through them.

Motions and Song:
"steam engine" - fists up and down like pistons in engine
"power loom" - weave fingers together
"cotton gin" - crank "handle" in circular motion with hand
"Industrial Revolution" - hands together over shoulder, like holding a pickax, swing in downward motion 

We will squat down and whisper the singular endings then jump up and shout the plural endings.

Action Cube

I will let the kids help choose some fun motions to do for this one.

Draw "Land of Gallon" on the board while quickly saying the story.
Story: Once upon a time in the Land of Gallon (Draw G) there lived 4 Queen Quarts (Draw Qs). Each Queen Quart had a Prince Pint and a Princess Pint (Draw Ps). And each Prince and Princess Pint had 2 cats (Draw Cs) who drank 8 ounces of water a day.

Point to letters and sing song.

Noway (Norway) would I eat sweets (Sweden) on the fin (Finland) of a shark! 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 12

Stand in big circle. March in place while singing. When you get to "Marco Polo" say with hands cupped around mouth like a megaphone. March through "the hundred years war" grab neck at "Black Death" then end on China's Ming Dynasty with hands locked in front of you singing high
.Image result for adelvice sound of music

Image result for spray water bottleFirst find out if there are any students that are opposed to being sprayed with a water bottle mist. You don't want to end up with any tears! Put any kids that don't want to be sprayed together at one end where you won't spray. 
Sing through the song spray a misting on the kids when you say "Waterloo". Kids drop at the end of song "defeated".

Say Latin in funny voices that the kids choose.

Use Action Sticks or Action Dice.

I happen to have small blow-up globes in my room. I am going to print out these spaceships. Each kid gets one spaceship and a globe. Do actions of each mission using spaceship and globe. You demonstrate first before passing them out. If you don't have enough globes for everyone you could use one and take turns or just have the kids use their fist to represent the earth.

M- Spaceship leaves earth then comes back (short)
G- Spaceship leaves earth for extended time then comes back (longer)
A- Spaceship leaves globe, pretend to land it on the moon, then bring it back to globe.
Sh- Made multiple flights into orbit...move your rocket back and forth from globe to space.

Sing and hold up correct number of fingers.
Sing in a whisper while squatting. Pop up and sing LOUD!!! 

Locate and trace each sea with dry erase maker. Go over them a few times saying each one as you point to them. Then have kids point to the sea that you say.

Cycle 2 Week 11

Hide timeline cards. While singing, each kids finds one then sits down. Once all the cards are found, the kids put them in the correct order. Kids close eyes while you remove a card. Kids sing through the song to figure out which card is missing.

Sing and do motions:
...stormed - stomp feet.
...fought - wave pretend sword
...Man - fists on hips stand up tall, chest out.
...Terror - hands like claws by face.
...guillotine - pretend to chop off your own head with your own hand.

Learn Latin using finger puppets.

Use Action Sticks or Action Dice. Do the action while singing the English memory work.

Image result for pool noodle pom pom shooterHave 5 kids come up at a time and each time you say a different solar body one kid shoots his pom pom out of his pool noodle shooter. Rotate kids.

Here's a video on how to make the shooters.

Cubes: Write out numbers on index cards. Kids have to put them in the correct order while singing.


My Mnemonic Story:  Story with Map

Remember when I said, “I can’t stand it no more!” (Constantinople/Istanbul) and I ended up jumping on Ma’s cow (Moscow) to rush (Russia) out of there? Well, my friend Kev-in (Kiev) said he saw a Siberian Tiger (Siberia) following me!

Cycle 2 Week 10

Limbo with pool noodle or meter stick while singing.

3 sheets of paper. On one paper write, "900's". On another, "400's". On the last write "1700's". Tape the papers up in different spots around the room. While singing, walk to first paper while holding hands like an open Bible. Walk to second and pretend to build by stacking fist upon fist. Walk to 3rd paper and expand hands out wide.

Review using Action Sticks or Action Dice. 

Chant a few times then play "Telephone". Whisper it to a friend, that friend passes the whisper on down the line until it gets to the last student who then says it out loud. Do it a few times. 

Illustrate Moon phases on the board. 

Squares: Write them on the board. Use pointer to point while singing. Let kids have turns using the pointer while singing.

Geography:  Story with Map

My Mnemonic Story:

  1. Afghan, Stan! (Afghanistan)
  2. Pack it, Stan! (Pakistan)
  3. In the uh…(India) hole...
  4. that Cal cut (Calcutta) in the floor,
  5. while trying to dig to China!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 9

Sing with timeline cards. Remove card see if kids can guess which card is missing. Sing to see if they're right. Remove two cards see if they can figure out which ones are missing. Mix up order then sing through it as kids put them back in correct order.

Image result for toy shakersWe are going to sing this with shakers. You can bring in toy ones if you have them or make them out of empty water bottles or plastic Easter eggs and put rice or dry beans inside. 
Image result for easter egg toy shakers Make sure to glue or tape shut!!!! 

Learn new Latin using finger puppets.

Who Stole the Cookies song and print out by mkbry on CC Connected.

Sing and point to planets. Use a print off or a book with the planets.

15's Dot to Dot (Rocket)

Geography:  Story with Map

My Mnemonic Story:

1  That cube, uh…(Cuba)...
2  Did you make it (Jamaica)?
3  I hate it (Haiti) when...
4  the mimi ken (Dominican) is in public (Republic)!

5  Put it in the Portal, Rico! (Puerto Rico)!