Monday, August 29, 2016

Cycle 2 Week 1

This year I am tutoring a class of 5-6 year old boys.
Here I what we did for week 1 - New Grammar.

I hid the Timeline cards around the room before the kids arrived. We sang the Timeline song for week one as they looked for the cards. Once they located a card they sat in the middle of the room and waited for their friends. When all the cards had been found we put them in order and sang through them.

One student was Pope Leo III and held the crown. The rest of the students sat on the floor facing the opposite direction. When we got to the part of the song that says, "...crowned Charlemagne...", "Pope Leo III" crowned one of the other students. The student crowned then got a turn being Pope Leo III and crowned a new "Charlemagne". For this you can either use a fake crown or just touch the top of the students head like you are crowning him.

I used a wonderful visual I found on CC Connected under File Sharing. It is called Latin Pronunciation with Pictures and it was uploaded by   kbrenneman83 .

I also introduced our Latin friend, Erinaceinea (Latin word for hedgehog). We call him Erin for short. I held Erin and the students each had a finger puppet. After Erin helped the finger puppets learn their Latin, each student got to show that their finger puppet knew it and said it out loud either with Erin's help (my help) or on their own. Erin is a squeaker toy so he squeaked with joy each time a student said it on their own. (Erin is a stuff animal my son had gotten from IKEA. you could use any stuffed animal you have laying around or even just your hand! I also already had the finger puppets. If you don't just have your stuffed animal or "hand" teach the kids instead of finger puppets.)

I printed a picture of each of the biomes, placed magnets of the back and stuck them on a portable magnetic chalk board. Underneath each picture I wrote the name of the biome. We learned each one and sang through the biomes fast, slow and in a squeaky voice.

Here are the pictures I used. I printed them on card stock.

This is what it looked like on my board:

Each student got a turn rolling our big Action Cube. Whatever action was face up is the action we did while chanting our English memory work  

Our Action Cube is made from a box and some shipping labels.
If you don't have the resources to make an Activity Cube then just shout out what motion you want them to do while reciting the memory work or have them pick an action.

I timed the kids as they counted to 12 as fast as they could.
We skip counted our 2's and completed a Dot-to-Dot I made.

When complete it makes a crown to go along with our History sentence.

We sang our Continents and Oceans and traced each continent on our maps.

You might have notice in the Science picture of the Biomes that there is a little picture of Charlemagne. Charlemagne also has a magnet on the back. I  hid him behind a Biome picture and I called on a student to say "Charlemagne, Charlemagne, are you in the Tundra?" (or which ever biome they think he's hiding under) and then they look behind that biome card. If he's not there I choose another student to repeat "Charlemagne, Charlemagne, are you in the _______?" Once Charlemagne has been found we recite a piece of memory work and I re-hide Charlemagne.

After that, the students spread out around the room and traced their blob maps with dry erase markers. Once they were done they came and showed me and pointed to their Continent and Oceans and they sang each one. That was their ticket to line up for lunch.


  1. This is so helpful Kaitie! Thanks for sharing all your ideas!

  2. This is so helpful Kaitie! Thanks for sharing all your ideas!

    1. Thanks Lori! I love planning and am really praying this blog can be a help and a blessing to others!

  3. This is really awesome Katie! You have great ideas!!!

    1. Thanks Meredith! ;) I'm glad you like them.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
